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AI & Finance

Fraud Detection and Prevention for Lenders
By Annahita Mirsalari

Reading Time: 5 min This article dives into the critical issues lenders face with fraud, and discusses ways they can enhance their fraud detection and prevention mechanisms.

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AI & Finance

Getting the Most Out of Your Financial Data – Broad Categorization vs Data Enrichment
By Annahita Mirsalari

Reading Time: 6 min Discover the power of data enrichment and how it provides more actionable insights and benefits than broad categorization alone.

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AI & Finance

Lending in volatile times: harness the power of cash flow analysis
By Flinks

Reading Time: 5 min How to provide truly inclusive lending decisions to potentially good borrowers? Cash flow analysis can be the key to future-proof credit underwriting.

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AI & Finance

How Lenders Build Data-Driven Verification Processes
By Flinks

Reading Time: 2 min Discover how lenders upgrade their data stacks with Flinks to verify their customers’ income, monitor transactions in real time, or get insight into consumer behavior at scale.

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AI & Finance

How Enrichment Lifts the Whole Industry: A Visual Story
By Yves Lavoie

Reading Time: 3 min We’ve built Flinks Enrichment to make it easy for financial service providers to use financial data—wherever their data is coming from, and no matter their technical know-how.

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AI & Finance

Data Enrichment: The Next Evolution in Data-Powered Financial Services
By Yves Lavoie

Reading Time: 2 min Flinks pioneers a new generation of data enrichment tools that make it easy for businesses of all sizes to extract insights from their customers’ financial data, and use them to power their use cases.

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AI & Finance

Understand Your Customers, Take Action: How to Use our Updated Attributes Engine
By Joe Hargreaves

Reading Time: 4 min We released a major update of Attributes: with new insights and better visualization tools, it’s easier than ever to use actionable insights.

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AI & Finance

COVID-19 and the Race to Reduce Losses on Loans
By Flinks

Reading Time: 4 min Lenders and banks prepare for a wave of COVID-19 related defaults in 2020 and 2021. In this race against the clock, a smart use of financial data can reduce their exposure to risk.

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AI & Finance

Segment Like Never Before: Three Methods to Leverage Transactional Data in Customer Segmentation
By Joe Hargreaves

Reading Time: 3 min Leveraging your customers' transactional data really comes down to finding the right balance between your existing resources and external help.

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AI & Finance

Segment Like Never Before: A Quick and Efficient Guide to Segment Your Customers Using Transactional Data
By Joe Hargreaves

Reading Time: 7 min Transactional data can be leveraged in customer segmentation, allowing you to focus on what matters to make your interactions highly meaningful.

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