Onboarding (KYC)

Verify the identity of your customers and onboard them in minutes

Fast, reliable KYC and KYB to supercharge your customer onboarding.

How we help you onboard more customers

Step 1

Share a link or embed in your product

Offer customers a secure, user-friendly way to share their data via a link or embedded iframe.

Step 2

Customer links bank account

The customer selects their bank from a list of supported institutions and securely connects their account.

Step 3

Instant access to identity information

Flinks authenticates the connection to gather bank-sourced identity information.

Step 4

KYC completion and onboarding

Access trusted KYC information to onboard new customers.

Onboarding made easy and secure

Ensure compliance, minimize risk

Protect your business from potential fraud with Flinks’ direct, verified KYC and KYB data sourced from banks.

Accelerate onboarding, reduce drop-offs

Deliver a smooth, frictionless onboarding experience that gets your customers up and running instantly, ensuring they reach value faster while minimizing drop-offs.

Reduce CAC, scale your business

Streamline and automate the costly, labor-intensive identity verification process, enabling your business to serve more customers efficiently.

A bank linking experience proven to improve conversions

Leverage an intuitive frontend designed with your customers in mind, offering a seamless and user-friendly bank linking experience that removes friction and builds trust every step of the way.


Financial institutions supported for a full KYC coverage.


KYC data completeness.


Time saved, from days to minutes.

“With Flinks we’re able to onboard thousands of clients daily in a matter of minutes, making a complex process as simple and frictionless as possible.”
Laura Lampe
VP Client Experience Operations
Read case study

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