Payment processing

End-to-end solution to accept and request payments

From instant account funding to loan repayments, provide a simple payment experience for your customers, while enabling your team to track and manage payments easily.

Flinks Payment processing - Image shows drawing of a girl with an enlarged phone making a payment using flinks payments

Simplified lending experience

An animated image showing Flinks lending payment flow

Onboarding to account funding

An animated image showing Flinks account funding flow

Powered by EFT or INTERAC® e‑Transfer, Flinks Pay can be directly embedded within your product or service to let your customers make payments in the simplest way possible.

an image of a drawing of a girl beside an enlarged money clip

Provide one seamless experience for your borrowers to connect their bank accounts to validate, authorize, set up payment schedules, and repay their loans. This empowers your team with a simplified process to initiate, track, update, and cancel payments.

image of a girl holding a bag of money

Reduce the delays and risks of account funding. With Flinks Pay, funds are guaranteed almost instantly so that your customers can utilize their accounts with minimal delays.