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Product Releases

Expand the Ways You Collect Bank Data with Flinks Upload
By Flinks

Reading Time: 4 min Flinks helps financial service providers improve end-user conversion rates by allowing them to upload their bank statements.

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Case Study

Simplifying and Streamlining Estate and Trust Administration
By Annahita Mirsalari

Reading Time: 6 min Find out how partnering with Flinks helped Estateably modernize estate processing and propel them to the top of the Canadian market.

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Product Releases

Product Updates Roundup: June 2023
By Flinks

Reading Time: 2 min Flinks is excited to announce new features that will empower financial services to improve their productivity and end-user experience.

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Case Study

Providing Atlantic Canadians a Smarter Car Buying Experience 
By Annahita Mirsalari

Reading Time: 5 min Find out how partnering with Flinks helped CarEvo embrace financial digitization and grow to be the #1 car dealership in Atlantic Canada.

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Product Releases

Smarter Loan Underwriting with Flinks Segment
By Joe Hargreaves

Reading Time: 4 min Flinks launches Segment to deliver actionable insights from your customer base and improve your underwriting performance at scale.

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Product Releases

Product Updates Roundup: April 2023
By Flinks

Reading Time: < 1 min Flinks is excited to announce new features that will empower financial services to improve their productivity and end-user experience.

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Product Releases

Meet Attributes Builder: Solve Unique Use Cases with Custom Insights
By Flinks

Reading Time: 4 min Flinks' Attributes Builder now allows you to easily create custom data, uncovering new insights that enhance your decision-making at scale.

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AI & Finance

Getting the Most Out of Your Financial Data – Broad Categorization vs Data Enrichment
By Annahita Mirsalari

Reading Time: 6 min Discover the power of data enrichment and how it provides more actionable insights and benefits than broad categorization alone.

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AI & Finance

Lending in volatile times: harness the power of cash flow analysis
By Flinks

Reading Time: 5 min How to provide truly inclusive lending decisions to potentially good borrowers? Cash flow analysis can be the key to future-proof credit underwriting.

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Digital Transformation

The Ultimate Guide to Embedded Finance—And How Flinks Enables It
By Flinks

Reading Time: 7 min This guide will provide you with a deeper understanding of what embedded finance is, how it works, and the myriad of ways it benefits both businesses and consumers. Let’s dive in! 

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