Flinks gives you the power to build the future of finance. Connect, enrich and utilize financial data to delight your customers with amazing products.

Product Release: Get Higher Conversions in the US

By Flinks on September 12th, 2022

Reading Time: 2 min

Start taking advantage of better converting, high quality connectivity.

We’re starting to work with banks to build direct connections—providing a safer, more reliable experience for your users .

If you have the Flinks Connect widget setup and are presenting it to your users, you’re set to take advantage of OAuth connections!

A quick overview of OAuth

For years, if you wanted to access your user’s financial data, you needed to rely on an aggregator (hi) in order to scrape the information for you.

There are some problems associated with this – (1) the connection can be unreliable, (2) if the connection is successful, you need to verify that the quality of the data is sound, and (3) you may need to rely on multiple aggregators in order to get the coverage and access you need. All of these potential problems can create a suboptimal user experience, opportunities for users to exit your workflow, and churn for you.

We want to fix that.

Flinks has just started working on providing OAuth Connections to major US banks. These connections get you (1) close to 100% reliable connectivity for 9 major banks in the US, (2) consistently high data quality, and (3) no need to scrape for these institutions ever again. If you want to dive into the weeds about how OAuth works, here’s a guide our business and tech teams love and recommend.

Today, we have partnered with the top banks in America! As more open banking APIs become available, we’ll provide you with access.

For more information on getting started, please reach out to your relationship manager or contact sales.

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Flinks Connectivity

Flinks Connectivity—the best network of financial data APIs and banking APIs. Whether you’re a bank, fintech, or end user, Flinks is the best way to connect.

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