About Flinks

Learn about what Flinks is, our security standards and how to get in touch with the Flinks team for any questions

Your questions answered

What is Flinks?

Flinks is the most efficient way to deal with financial information.

Backed by the National Bank of Canada, a major Canadian financial institution, Flinks allows users to safely and reliably connect their banking data to the application or services of their choice.

Why do I need Flinks?

Flinks helps users share financial data securely by eliminating the need for legacy processes such as micro-deposits, PDF documents or picture uploads, and even unsafe processes such as identification document sharing.

How does it work?

Simply put, Flinks helps digitize the collection of financial information so you can complete your onboarding faster, whether it’d be a loan application or signing up for a financial service of your choice.

To do so, we’ve built secure digital channels to thousands of banks. These pipelines make it possible to quickly and safely transfer information.

Is this service safe and secure?

We engage with the best security firms to routinely audit our processes, ensuring our security standards are always at the highest level. For instance, we’ve maintained a SOC 2 report for years. This is the gold standard for companies dealing with customer data, and it confirms the effectiveness of our security practices.

What are your compliance requirements?

Flinks is a very safe way to transfer financial information. You are sharing sensitive data that’s only meant to be used by the application you are connecting to, so we keep it 256-bit encrypted at all times.

Your bank accounts’ login credentials are never displayed, viewed or shared.

Is my data private? How do I request deletion?

No one can access your information without your knowledge and permission. It is encrypted using the highest industry standards, moved through secure channels, and stored on protected servers.

You can request us to correct, update or erase your personal information in our records. In other words, you can withdraw your consent whenever you want. You can request data deletion at [email protected]


Privacy Policy

Our privacy policy highlights how we use, but mostly protect your personal data on both our website and application.

Read the privacy policy


Transparency is at the core of what we do. Get in touch with us to learn more about our security practices

Request our SOC2 report

Security Standards

We continuously invest in security so our clients can keep their peace of mind. Read about the 5 pillars of our security strategy.

Read about our security pillars

Security questions or issues?

Have more questions? Get in touch with our security team directly

Get in touch